Pre-release Case Study Materials

January 2023 Pre-release Case Study Materials

The Pre-release Case Study Materials for the January 2023 practice papers are available below.

Learners taking practice exams for the first time in January 2023 – Centre tutors will discuss the case studies with their learners in advance of the examinations, at a point in the delivery of the course when the tutor considers the learners are ready to look at the Pre-release Case Study Materials.

Learners are reminded that they are permitted to take their own clean/unannotated copy of the Case Study Materials into the examination. There will also be a clean/unannotated copy of the Case Study Materials attached to the examination.

The organisations, individuals and scenarios contained within these Case Study Materials are fictitious.

*PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING GUIDANCE for Learners studying the January 2023 Level 6 Unit 15 Civil Litigation Examination CPR Guidance

Level 3

Level 6