CILEx Level 3 Legal Services Apprenticeship Qualifications Factsheet

CILEx Level 3 Legal Services Apprenticeship Qualifications Factsheet

Employing an aspiring legal professional early on in their career and helping them grow, while moulding them to your organisations’ ethos, is quite simply good for business.

Training through legal apprenticeships allows you to invest in employees early on and then reap the rewards by having staff that offer your clients the best possible service as loyal and grateful employees.

Funding for apprenticeships is also available should the employee match certain criteria, so you could provide the best training, create the best employees and provide your clients with the best service at a low cost.

More useful information on these qualifications can be found in our FAQ document.

Alternatively, watch the Higher Apprenticeships in Legal Services film.

If you would like to discuss legal apprentices or CILEx qualifications further, please email [email protected].