Business and Commercial Law CPD Courses

Business and Commercial Law CPD Courses


Insider dealing and market abuse

“So, you think you know about: Insider dealing and market abuse”

If you advice clients with access to sensitive commercial information relating to companies traded on the London Stock Exchange and other UK markets, this course will explain the criminal offences relating to insider trading as well as introducing the role of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in preventing market abuse.

The course starts with a short (5 minutes) topic recording introducing insider dealing and market abuse. We then go on to review in more detail the requirements of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 in relation to insider dealing offences, including defences, terminology and penalties. We consider what market abuse is, including examples, and the powers of the FCA to regulate it.

Finally, we will look at a case study covering a prosecution for insider dealing. 

Members: £49 +VAT  
Non-members: £89 +VAT  

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