CILEx launches consultation in next stage of reforms
CILEx launches consultation in next stage of reforms
18 April 2018
The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) is conducting a consultation that will determine how it operates into the future.This consultation marks the latest stage of the ‘CILEx is Changing’ project, having previously announced structural reforms to improve the Institute’s governance, by separating out its duties to act in the public, professional, and regulatory interests.
CILEx director of policy & governance, Simon Garrod, said: “We are now moving on to the more granular changes that will affect both what members see of their Institute and the way in which the Institute interacts with them and its stakeholders. We believe the time is right to ask formally for CILEx members and stakeholders views, feedback and experiences, so we can use this insight to inform the next stage of development.
“Also, to facilitate this next stage, the Bye-Laws that sit beneath CILEx’s Royal Charter will require amendment and it is good practice that this should be shared with members.”
The consultation gives members and stakeholders the opportunity to give their views on:
- A move from election of Council members to selection and appointment based on having demonstrated the required skills and competencies for the role;
- Whether there continues to be a need for geographical-based representation within the structure, and whether other types of representation, such as by practice area or member type, are more relevant;
- How the role of CILEx’s regional branches needs to change to embed them into the governance structure, and how to enhance members’ involvement with their local branch;
- What services are most important to members and how they would like them delivered;
- What can be done to engage more members in the work of the Specialist Reference Groups;
- The potential role and membership of ‘Task and Finish Groups’ dedicated to delivering a specific activity;
- What services members would like to see offered online; and
- Whether to broaden representation or involvement within CILEx’s governance structure to members who are not Fellows
The consultation runs from 18 April 2018 until midday on 11 July 2018.